The Chief Executive Officer
Senior Management
Director Research
The BU Chairperson
Delegation Leaders
Branch Officials
The Media
Ladies and Gentlemen
CEO, today we gather here for this symbolic ceremony that speaks into the partnership between the Zambia Union of Financial Institutions and Allied Workers and the First National Bank Zambia Limited. Meeting with you officially after my election as General Secretary and Chief Executive Officer of the Union, on behalf of the National Executive Council and indeed my very own I wish to place on record that ZUFIAW remains fully committed to this this partnership that we have enjoyed over the years. We will do every within our means to grow this partnership for the benefit of your employees and our members at the Bank.
CEO, following our election in 2021 the National Executive Council in a bid to ensure that ZUFIAW remains relevant to its core of duty has resolve that going forward all our dealings with social partners and other stakeholders will be in line with our motto of Workers First, our values of Integrity, Accountability, Hard Work and Solidarity. In view of this resolution, the Union is committed to promoting social justice, decent work, and workplaces, over and above protecting the Conditions of Service and the Rights of Workers. As per our Recognition Agreement, we will not allow any employee who does not subscription to ZUFIAW to enjoy the negotiated Conditions of Service as contained in the Collection Agreement. As a Union, will partner with the Government of the day and other stakeholders to defend the Rights of Workers and the labour laws of this great republic Zambia.
CEO, we have followed the performance of the Bank in the last few years, and we are excited with the progress you are making in transforming and repositioning the Bank in these very competitive and challenges times. We are alive to the difficulties the players in the financial sector are facing and as key stakeholder ZUFIAW is ready and willing to partner with Management to ensure the Unionized employees are fully invested in driving the strategic agenda of the Bank. We have a full understanding that once the Bank exceeds shareholder expectations our members will be rewarded in form of bonuses and other performance increments and further makes the conversations easier during the Bargaining process.
We acknowledge that negotiations are never easy. They require compromise, understanding, and open dialogue hence today’s ceremony signifies the strength of the Union and the desire by Management to address the plight of Unionized employees at the Bank amid the high cost of living. I wish to congratulate the Bargaining Unit for the professionalism and maturity demonstrated during the process, but most importantly agreeing to award our members a 10% salary increment as base pay and an addition performance-related pay averaging 13.37%. With this achievement and our value of hard work, the Union will endeavor to advocate for productivity among its members. CEO, we have a few unresolved issues particularly the housing allowance and the employer pension contribution which was adjusted for non-Unionized employees of the Bank a move that disadvantages our members who have exercised their right to belong to the Union and further contradicts with the provisions of our Recognition Agreement thereof. ZUFIAW is fully committed to amicably engage on this and other matters as we believe that this will help us maintain industrial harmony which is good for the development of the Bank and the economy at large. Our members are also concerned about their lack of participation in Labour Day, Women’s Day and Youth Day Celebrations. These celebrations are an integral part of employee motivation; hence, Management should seriously consider participating in these events going forward. It is our hope that FNB will participate in this year’s ZUFIAW Sports Festival as I challenge the CEO to a 100-meter Executive race.
In Conclusion, I wish to firmly assure the Branch Executive of my support and that of the National Executive Council as you carry out your constitutional mandate. To Management our doors are open as we collaborate in taking care of the most valuable asset of the Bank which is Human Capital.
Good Morning and God bless you all.
Kasapo Sundrea Kabende (MR.)