What will ZUFIAW do for me?

  • Negotiate for my salary every twelve months
  • Negotiate for my allowances and other conditions of service every twenty-four months
  • Protect me from redundancy
  • Negotiate for my redundancy package if redundancy is inevitable
  • Represent me on the Disciplinary and Appeals Committee
  • Enroll me on workers education programs and activities
  • Share information on workers conditions of service in other sectors
  • Protect me against discrimination in the workplace
  • Negotiate for my health scheme including HIV-AIDS Workplace policy
  • Negotiate for permanent conditions of service
  • Negotiate for gratuity and other  fixed terms of  contract including longer duration
  • Consult me on conditions of service and represent your interests
  • Encourage me to participate in Union leadership and Union Conferences locally and abroad
  • Represent me on labour law reforms with employers and government
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