Collective Agreements

A collective agreement, collective labour agreement or collective bargaining agreement is a written contract negotiated through collective bargaining for employees by one or more trade unions with the management of a company that regulates the terms and conditions of employees at work.

Note: Only institutional names that are underlined are available for download.

  1. Access Bank
  2. AB Bank
  3. ABSA Zambia
  4. Atlas Mara bank
  5. Bank of Zambia
  6. Bank of China
  7. Cavmont Bank
  8. Credit Express
  9. First Alliance Bank
  10. First Capital Bank
  11. First National Bank Zambia (FNB)
  12. Indo-Zambia Bank
  13. Investrust Bank
  14. Local Authorities Superannuation Fund
  15. National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA)
  16. National Road Fund Agency (NRFA)
  17. National Savings and Credit Bank (NATSAVE)
  18. Patents and Companies Registration Agency(PACRA)
  19. Pensions and Insurance Authority
  20. Prudential Zambia
  21. Public Service Pensions Fund
  22. Standard Chartered Bank
  23. United Bank for Africa Zambia (UBA)
  24. Workers Compensation Fund Control Board
  25. Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies
  26. Zambia Insurance Business College Trust
  27. Zambia National Building Society (ZNBS)
  28. Zambia National Commercial Bank (ZANACO)
  29. Zambia Public Procurement Authority
  30. Zambia State Insurance Corporation LIFE
  31. Zambia State Insurance Corporation GI

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