The Zambia Union of Financial Institutions and Allied Workers declares its objects to be (Article 3 of ZUFIAW constitution) :
- To effect complete organisation of workers in the financial sector of the economy mentioned in Article 2(I) above.
- To apply funds of the Union interalia for the purpose of providing assistance to members in the event of distress and providing legal assistance to members in connection with their employment.
- To regulate members’ wages, salaries and other conditions of work.
- To endeavour to regulate relations and settle disputes between member’s inter-se employees and employers and between members and non-members by amicable agreement.
- To provide for the advancement of workers education and their participation in national development programmes.
- To affiliate to any registered Federation of Trade Unions.
- To establish, carryout, participate in printing or publishing a Newspaper, Journal, Pamphlets or any publication in the interest of the Trade Union or Trade Unionism.
- To invest Union funds into viable ventures.